These two playful puppies are never happier than when they’re nuzzling each other’s assholes. We’ve seen Jesse Santana take on every kind of fetish play in the past. This time he shows he can be an affectionate pet too – and like every good dog, Jesse gets his bone.

Frisky pups Jesse and Adam Killian start off wrestling over a rope toy, each trying to rip it from the other’s teeth. Adam wins the first round, though, and ends up tossing it off the bed and onto the mat below. When Santana goes to fetch it, Killian decides to turn dog trainer before rewarding Jesse by stuffing his face between his butt cheeks and licking his ass. Continue reading Hot dogs: Adam Killian and Jesse Santana puppy play →
I’ve already posted on Adam Killian twice this month – but I can’t resist. There were just too many great pictures from his scorching uniform shoot to use first time, so here he is again.

Continue reading Adam Killian and Spencer Reed in leather →
Adam Killian spent years working behind the camera before he became one of the hottest models in the industry. Here he is in Chi Chi LaRue’s leather porn epic Taken with real-life boyfriend Mitchell Rock.
Continue reading Adam Killian and Mitchell Rock →
Adam Killian and Spencer Reed are decked out in full marine dress uniform for a new COLT calendar – but as the kit gradually comes off, the shoot descends into a frenzied fuckfest.

Continue reading Military studs fuck in dress blues →
A fetish porn blog by a gay gear obsessive. From leather, rubber and neoprene to military, sports kit and suits – if you can fuck in it, it's here.