Jessy Ares’ locker room fuck

Sharp-suited city boy Jessy Ares has been cropping up a lot on Men at Play lately. The ruggedly handsome, tanned, muscled hunk has already fucked his way around the MAP office. Now he’s ready to blow off a little executive steam at the gym.

Picture of Jessy Ares fucking Scott Hunter

Jessy’s been working out and he’s just getting back into his suit and tie when along comes gym attendant Scott Hunter. Scott can’t resist checking out Jessy’s big dick and rock-hard pecs – and just a few minutes later he’s on his knees taking that rigid cock in his mouth. Scott strips off until he’s wearing nothing but his jock, letting Ares get down to tongue his hole. Once it’s lubed up with spit, Jessy eases his dick inside and proceeds to nail Hunter’s muscled bubble butt.

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Pictures of Jessy Ares and Scott Hunter in Locker Jock

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